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#Integrity is everything - 'Michelle Obama' . Being #authentically you is a bit of an ongoing statement at the moment, especially on Social Media. But if you do not authentically deliver everything you say or do with integrity then you may as well stop now (as you will fail, maybe not now but it is inevitable). . Do #MileyCyrus #ArianaGrande or #JustinBieber ring any bells? Each had their own unique skill/talent but once they lost their integrity nothing seemed to be the same anymore; they didn't lose their skills or talents, everything just turned a bit shitty, like they were wading through treacle. . Another analogy is losing your virginity, once you have lost that purity, you can never regain it. . When your #clients know that you have lost your integrity they no longer #trust that you are able to do good #work for them, people are reluctant to do #business with you and every conversation is met with some level of scepticism. . Everything in #life is better when you have a sense of integrity , whether it's work, #relationships or #family. . There is a golden #rule which you will find in every #religious text, it may not be the same wording but it has the same meaning and that is: ~ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ~ . .#socialmarketing #socialmediamanager#communitymanager #digitalmarketing#instagramtips #digitalbranding#marketingtips #smm#marketingstrategy #marketingagency#marketingplan

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